Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Sound Design

Our first step in the sound design for Duplex is to create as real a world as possible simply using sound. Everything, from backpack zippers, to doors, smacking lips will be recorded to make this world. Most of the sound should be recorded on set, but we may go back and get foley of some of the more important sounds.
In many ways, the antagonist of the film is a sound itself, Lizzy’s parents arguing. We will most likely record these arguments during ADR sessions to get a nice clean sound and either run it clean or put it through filters given the cameras relation to the source of the sound. Also, we intend to play with the volume of the argument, occasionally letting it get so loud as to be overpowering for even the audience, so they can relate to Lizzy and Raul.
In contrast to the argument, we also have the music coming from Raul’s headphones, which is important in combating Lizzy’s horrible home life. We intend to have an original score that has a sort of electronic and arcade sound to it, but is still playful. We will use this score along with the arguments and change the volumes between the two, letting the score eventually win out, creating peace for Raul and Lizzy.
We will also help the audience to get inside the characters heads during the scene when they are drawing by also having layered sounds representing what would be going through their minds. The arguments, talking to Raul’s mom, playing with dinosaurs, the music, will all be playing in the background as they draw, giving us more insight into the characters.

-Will Cooper


Cristy said...

Glad to see Will on the blog... finally! :)

Yvonne said...

it wasn't him it was me (yvonne) i just added his name at the bottom because he is the one who wrote the description. sorry.

Cristy said...

Ah, I got excited.