Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Some cool stuff I found that would look great

these are two photos of course of our Duplex location. The landscaping is pending, but I don't really mind it the way it is. I think I can add some color by adding a couple of bright chairs, maybe bright planters and chalk on that walkway. Small details can be very interesting.

This girl is illuminating her face with a flashlight and sitting in a position similar to how lizzy would be, except with a blanket over her head and she would be wearing something purple or orange.  Below is a wall that looks similar to what I imagine for Raul's room. I saw something that kind of sparked my interest while browsing through room decor. There was an object with a backlight. Its hard to explain but the use of night lights or lamps in this project would really add alot to Raul's bedroom scenes especially if we gel it with color.

This silhouette looks really interesting I wonder if we could add some sort of color splash similar to this to Anita's silhouette image in the beginning of the film, and play with the contrast of darkness while adding color with lighting. 

Above is a photo taken from a play called "The Yellow Boat" I can see the spotlight scene lit like this except with only two spot lights and maybe not a blue backdrop. But it adds a lot to two children sitting in the desks. 

and this doorway just looks fun maybe something for the bedroom as well.

I know the samples of lighting are pretty intense and highly stylized. But its just some ideas as to what we can really do with these few shots to add a lot of personality to the film. 

Comments? Please share. I know some of this seems overly ambitious but we can take ideas from these images and really use them to our benefit.


the Producer said...

I like the more natural lighting of the volver photo with the stylized production design and costuming. Even for the in-studio, maybe stylization can be elsewhere? or a very mild version of that color have some diffused beams of different colors on the wall like if the kids are in this crayon box in this surreal moment. then there is that overhead tungsten, warm over them -- this is their outlets, their warm place.

the Producer said...

yes yes i agree i don't anticipate such a stylized look either, however the silhouette and lighting is interesting enough where we can take those two photos to influence our design in the bedroom and in those spotlight scenes.

Cristy said...

Lots of construction paper. That's what we need.